Monday, March 29, 2010

The Biblical Roles of Wives.

The Biblical Roles of Wives.

Regarding the foundation upon which the Lord established the relationship between husband and wife we read in Genesis 2:20-24: “And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” **In this way since a rib was taken from a man to make a woman, when they Biblically are joined in marriage they complete each other & “become one flesh”. Now as a result of the fall Genesis 3:16 says: “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” In this study we will be studying these verses with the New Testament verses regarding the Biblical role of wives and much will also be said about the Biblical roles of husbands.



The Biblical Roles of Wives. : PDF

What Can Women do for the Lord?

What Can Women do for the Lord?

In this study we will primarily be looking at the subject of: WHAT CAN WOMEN DO FOR THE LORD? & Women Pastors?--The Biblical Qualifications for Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Spiritual Overseers. We will also be taking an in depth look at most common arguments some use to authorize women having Biblical offices that only men are supposed to hold; that being Deborah of Judges, The daughters & handmaidens who prophesize in Acts 2:17 & 18 & the Daughters of Philip Acts 21:8&9. There are two errors among Christians in regard to the woman's ministry: (1) Some teach that women can do anything, which is not Scriptural. (2) Others teach that women can do almost nothing, which is also is not Scriptural. Godly women have a large role in the work of God. Though they have limitations and there are some restrictions upon their work, these are restrictions given by the Word of God; and in this study we will be endeavoring to present these with the rationale behind why these restrictions have been given by the Lord. Please see the PDF file above for the full study.



What Can Women do for the Lord?: PDF

My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane

My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane

Recently I attended a David Herzog hyper-Pentecostal “Miracle & Prophetic Revival Meeting” in my home town that was billed to manifest the following “miracles/signs and wonders”: instant healings, instant weight loss, grey hair turning to black, gold teeth fillings and crowns instantly appearing in the mouths of those in need, gold dust appearing miraculously on the people at the meetings, different kinds of precious jewels that miraculously appear during the meetings and are there for the taking, “angel” sightings that when photographed appeared as 7-8 sided circles/dots on film, a “Glory Cloud” that descends & hovers over the heads of all those attending the meetings & “The River” or “New Wine” of the spirit that produces uncontrollable, hysterical “holy laughter”. During this teaching I will be giving some background information on this false ministry and also our first hand account of what (Doug & I witnessed) there. I will also be reading a recent letter I received from another Charismatic Charlatan (Leroy Jenkins) which included a purple cloth of financial blessing with the inevitable plea for money. Jeremiah 5:26, 27, 29-31: 'For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so...' See PDF file above for further confirmation.



My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane: PDF

Mormonism Exposed!

Mormonism Exposed!

Mormonism, known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah), was officially founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844). Smith claimed to have had a personal visit from God the Father at the age of 15, who introduced him to Christ Jesus who then supposedly told him not to join any church because they were all wrong and all the Christian church's doctrines 'were an abomination' (Joseph Smith -- History 19, Pearl of Great Price). After Smith's murder (most likely from the Freemasons as he had stole their secrets and incorporated them into his Mormon cult) in 1844, Brigham Young took the cult to Utah. The Mormon Church currently claims it ranks 5th among the largest 25 U.S. denominations. Many do not know that “Mormon Prophets” have long taught and believed that Jesus Christ Was Married and Practiced Polygamy see: Among the many blasphemous quotes from Joseph Smith he said: 'God made Aaron to be the mouthpiece for the children of Israel, and He will make me to be God to you in His stead, and the elders to be mouth for me; and if you don't like it, you must lump it' (Documentary History of the Church, vol. 6, pp 319-320). While Brigham Young stated the following: I have not read the Bible for many years. I used to read and study it, but did not understand the spirit and meaning of it ...' (1854 Conference discourse, October 8). [Brigham Young obviously did not understand the Bible, and neither do any of the other Mormon prophets!]



Mormonism Exposed!: PDF

The Dollar's Decline All By Design

Global banking leaders confirms what many 'in the know' have been saying for years, i.e., that a severe crisis will be needed in order to allow America & the world to move into a global currency and global economy. This teaching further demonstrates that the decline of the American Dollar is planned and necessary in order to bring about the implementation of the North American Union & its currency called the Amero. In the recent article entitled "One World, One Money – (By Carl Teichrib, Chief Editor, Forcing Change News) it is stated: "A global economy requires a global currency.” — Paul Volcker, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve. Another quote reads: "If you want a single world currency, it requires an international banking structure armed with a monetary policy on a planetary scale. Essentially, the requirement for a single global currency is a bank that has power over all countries, kindred, and tongues ... the idea of a single global currency has been quietly batted around in banking and economist circles since the closing days of the Second World War. Over the years this call has increased in intensity ... In 2007, the Council on Foreign Relations propelled the idea of a planet-wide currency restructuring by publishing an article in it journal, Foreign Affairs, titled “The End of National Currency.” [Note: on the cover of this Foreign Affairs issue, the article is titled “One World, Too Many Monies.”] We will also be looking at how the recent rate cuts by the fed relates to this subject and an announcement by the new British Prime Minister to leaders of the world, stating that the time has now arrived for governments and economic institutions to go global!


The Dollar's Decline All By Design: PDF

Joel Osteen Exposed!

Joel Osteen Exposed!

The latest 'star' among apostate Christianity is Joel Osteen, pastor of the non-denominational Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Osteen currently claims the nation's largest congregation with over 47,000 members, earning a “Gigachurch” status. Lakewood has purchased the colossal Compaq Center, formerly home of the NBA's Houston Rockets, to house Osteen's church, with an additional $95 million in renovations. New York Times (July 18, 2005) reports Lakewood's 2004 revenue's of 55 million dollars. Osteen's book of self-esteem, 'feel good,' self-help-guide titled, Your Best Life Now: Seven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, has ranked number one on the 'New York Times' best-seller list. writes of Osteen's enormous popularity, 'In the world of religion, he's achieved the status of a rock star. . .' In an interview with Larry King, KING asks: What if you're Jewish or Muslim, you don't accept Christ at all? OSTEEN: You know, I'm very careful about saying who would and wouldn't go to heaven. I don't know . . . KING: “If you believe you have to believe in Christ? They're wrong, aren't they?” OSTEEN: “Well, I don't know if I believe they're wrong…But I just think that only God will judge a person's heart. I spent a lot of time in India with my father. I don't know all about their religion (Hinduism). But I know they love God. And I don't know. I've seen their sincerity. So I don't know. I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus. Hindus love Jehovah God, and worship Him as Scripture commands? All sincere souls go to heaven?...”**Please See PDF Below for Full Documentation.




Joel Osteen Exposed!: PDF

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rick Warren & Rupert Murdoch - Saddlebacks Most Infamous Member

Rick Warren & Rupert Murdoch - Saddlebacks Most Infamous Member

Mega-pastor & apostate hireling Rick Warren is being challenged by other Christian leaders for not disciplining a prominent member of his California Saddleback Church flock for being one of the world's leading pornographers. That would be Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp., which, in addition to building a media empire through nude models and edgy, pushing-the-envelope Fox TV network shows, recently began building a stable of hard-core porn channels for its BSkyB subsidiary. The ties between Warren and Murdoch go beyond the spiritual. Murdoch also owns Zondervan, the company that published Warren's explosive bestseller 'The Purpose Driven Life' & Harper Collins which publishes the Satanic Bible. In a Nov. 12, 2006, Orange County Register story, Warren was asked about pastoring a man who publishes tabloids featuring topless women. He responded: 'I don't have to agree with 100 percent of what another person does in order to work with them on the 20 percent that we do agree on.' The article also points out Murdoch was among the first patrons to support Warren's 5 point PEACE plan, contributing $2 million. This PEACE plan is integral to ushering the one world, new age religion of the Antichrist.


Rick Warren & Rupert Murdoch - Saddlebacks Most Infamous Member: PDF

Schuller's 'Rethink' Star-Studded Apostate Line-Up

In this study we will conclude the “Rethink Conference” exposé by taking a brief look at all 30 ungodly speakers. Schuller's website reads: “Rethink is a convergence of thinkers, innovators and leaders from the Christian and global arenas. We're purposely gathering a group of speakers you wouldn't necessarily expect to hear at a Christian conference. Our aim is to be immersed in the latest thoughts and perspectives of these respected.” So much for turning to the Bible which says in Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Jeremiah 5:26-31: 'For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?'


Schuller's 'Rethink' Star-Studded Apostate Line-Up: PDF

Oprah Winfrey Boldly Leading Humanity to the New Age Antichrist

On New Year's Day, New Age leader Marianne Williamson got the new year off to a rousing start on Oprah & Friends XM Radio as she began to systematically teach the New Age principles of A Course in Miracles. While most of the Christian world was relaxing, Williamson was hard at work teaching this occult Course on her radio show. Her program, which now airs each weekday for an hour, is completely devoted to teaching A Course in Miracles. Both Oprah Winfrey and Marianne Williamson have openly stated that they believe its principles can change the world.(1) A Course in Miracles is reputedly “new revelation” from “Jesus,” channeled through a university professor in New York City by the name of Helen Schucman. But the Course is actually the Bible turned upside-down, as it teaches that “a slain Christ has no meaning” and that “the journey to the cross should be the last useless journey.” Its teachings state that “there is no sin” and that “the recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.” Kicking off the new year in high gear, Williamson cleverly avoided any direct reference to biblical Christianity when she stated that over the coming months on her program she would be methodically “dismantling a thought system based on fear.” She emphasized that the dismantled thought system would be replaced by “a thought system based on love” – a thought system that would be inspired by the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.


Schuller's ‘Rethink' Conference Exposed

Schuller's ‘Rethink' Conference Exposed

It's an all-star heretic line-up set for the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif., Jan. 17-19. Former President/CFR member/Trilateral Commission member/Skulls and Bones/Bohemian Grove Club member George H.W. Bush Sr. will speak. Apostate Chuck Colson will make a presentation. Larry King of the secular media will be there. World wide pornography distributor & publisher of the Satanic Bible via his company Harper Collins, Rupert Murdoch will address attendees. And Kay Warren, wife of CFR member Pastor Rick Warren, will join reprobate purveyor of psycho babble 'possibility thinking' Robert Schuller. The Rethink Conference is bringing together leaders from several different philosophical and religious camps under the auspices of unity via Robert Schuller. His purpose could best be summed up in his book, My Journey, when he states “Standing before a crowd of devout Muslims with the Grand Mufti (A Muslim), I know that we're all doing God's work together. Standing on the edge of a new millennium, we're laboring hand in hand to repair the breach.' p. 501 What is really taking place at the Rethink Conference is the reality of Schuller's dream that there be a global unity among all religions and beliefs and that all these paths lead to the same God. The glue is mysticism, and this is what is being promoted at the Rethink Conference. Co-Host of the Rethink Conf. Erwin McManus further reveals his spiritual goals where he states: 'My goal is to destroy Christianity as a world religion and be a recatalyst for the movement of Jesus Christ,' (said in a telephone interview) 'Some people are upset with me because it sounds like I'm anti-Christian. I think they might be right.'




Schuller's ‘Rethink' Conference Exposed: PDF

Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn's 'Anointing'

Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn's 'Anointing'

In this teaching we will be keying on Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee Semple McPherson and Benny Hinn. Since their deaths Benny Hinn has visited Kathryn Kuhlman's and Aimee McPherson's graves to appropriate the 'anointing' that he claims still lingers on their bodies from the grave. See: Kathryn Kuhlman was a founding member of a New Age movement that synchronized Christianity and occult spiritualism together with pop psychology and a lavish serving of capitalism. Thanks to Kuhlman's pop status websites now sell the claim of being personally transformed and healed by practicing Christian yoga. It is thanks to Kuhlman that the practice of being 'slain in the spirit' is said to have been made more popular in evangelical circles. Unfortunately this “slaying” was the work of unholy spirits. Time Magazine once called her a 'veritable one-woman Shrine of Lourdes,' such was the fervor that Kathyrn Kuhlman garnered. Wayne E. Warner, in his book 'The Woman Behind the Miracles,' goes so far to claim that Catholics would prefer to save money and attend a Kuhlman crusade than travel to a Marian shrine. Kulman's biographer and friend admitted that 'she loved her expensive clothes, precious jewels, luxury hotels, and first class travel.' In response to reports that she had a private audience October 11, 1972 with Pope Paul VI, one Christian comments: 'Katherine Kuhlman was a witch that was accepted by many. Do you suppose that the Pope blessed her for serving Jesus? Or could it be that an anti-christ was blessing one of his own servants.' After the meeting, she said, 'When I met Pope Paul there was a Oneness.'




Kathryn Kuhlman, Aimee S. McPerson, the Source of Benny Hinn's 'Anointing' PDF

The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory

The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory

This is a special study I felt convicted to do after viewing a 27 minute internet video put out by the Raelian cult. This video does one of the most through jobs of condensing most of the coming “New Age/New World Order” lies that I have ever witnessed. Most of these lies seem so appealing to the unsaved, for the same reason Eve was seduced by the serpent in the Garden of Eden: Because they promise: “Ye shall be as gods”. If anyone buys into this then all accountability to a Holy God goes out the window & they feel they can live anyway they want. Satan is still “The most subtle best of the field” and he has not changed his tactics as you will see when you listen to this audio. In this teaching I will be playing the sound from this video and stopping to comment along the way so I can ultimately present a full rebuttal to this most egregious heresy. This “Ancient Astronaut” theory is going to unfortunately take many people to hell and is going to be one of the cornerstones of the grand deception the Antichrist will perpetrate.

The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: PDF

Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Faith, Fear of the Lord

Overcoming, Protection, Meekness, Answered Prayer, Faith, Fear of the Lord

In this teaching we will be looking at several Bible verses including: Revelation 3:21: 'To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Revelation 12:11: 'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. I John 5:1-5: 'Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? Matthew 22:36-40: 'Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.'



The Shocking Origin of the Custom of Celebrating Birthdays

Where did the universal custom of celebrating the day of one's birth originate? What about birthday parties, cakes, and candles? What does the Bible say about celebrating the day of one's birth? You might be shocked at the answer. Though you look in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will find no mention anywhere of any of the saints of God observing their birthdays. In fact, strange as it may seem to many, even the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ is NOWHERE REVEALED in Scripture! The universal custom of observing 'Christmas' as the birth of Christ, on December 25th, is acknowledged by all the historical authorities as having no basis in actual fact. For confirmation go to: Jesus Christ was born nowhere near December 25th, in the dead of winter. If the very day of Jesus' birth is deliberately left out of the Bible, doesn't that fact tell us something? If birthdays should be celebrated, why did God leave the date of His own Son's birth out of Holy Scripture? The plain truth is that birth day celebrations are only mentioned twice in the Scriptures -- both times in reference to customs being observed by unconverted people -- a pagan Egyptian Pharaoh, and wicked king Herod!


Muslim/Islamic Religion/Hypocrisy Exposed

Muslim/Islamic Religion/Hypocrisy Exposed

In this teaching we will be taking a broad based look at Islam. The main topics we will be covering include: 1) Islam: Quotes ‘IN THEIR OWN WORDS' For example: 'Soon Islam will become the dominating force in the world, occupying first place in the number of followers amongst all other religions...We don't shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world' - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran 2) Pres. Bush shows deep respect for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 3) Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Brian McLaren and other Contemplative/Emerging Leaders Invite Muslims to Love God, Neighbors Together 4) Pope Kissing the Islamic Koran (See the PDF) 5) Twisted Logic: THE POOR MUSLIMS - THEY GET INSULTED - WE GET BEHEADED 6) Uncle Sam Wants US Muslims to Serve 7) The Islamic Quran commands Muslims to kill 'Infidels' or Unbelievers in Islam See: Sura 2:191 “Slay them (the unbeliever in Islam) wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. & Sura 41:14 Unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell. 8) The Muslim religion in the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races 9) Exposé proving Allah Is The Moon God named “Sin”.

Part 1

Part 2

Muslim/Islamic Religion/Hypocrisy Exposed PDF

Thursday, March 4, 2010

'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist?

'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist?

These teachings are a continuation of last weeks teachings on 'Devil Betraya' with a special emphasis on Reinhart Bonnke the official 'Christian' Pied Piper of Maitreya who can also be credited for much of the impartation (by laying of hands) of the 'Unholy Laughter Movement'/'Third Wave' propagated through the 'Toronto Revival', 'Brownsville Revival', etc., at the hands of reprobates like Rodney Howard Brown (who refers to himself as the 'Holy Ghost Bartender'), Cindy Jacobs, etc. On June 8th, 1988 Reinhard Bonnke was the Charismatic/Pentecostal evangelist in Uhuru Park in Nairobi Kenya who prophesied on a Thursday, three days before Maitreya's documented appearance in a Muslim Village, Kawangware, Nairobi, '...that God had, on Thursday, informed [Reinhard Bonnke] that they [Nairobi Muslim citizens] would experience the presence of Jesus and great miracles on Saturday...'(June 11th, 1988) Thus, Bonnke was the on-site prophet of the Maitreya. Reinhart Bonnke made this on-the-scene prophecy, and it was dated, AND it came true as on 11 June 1988, a Maitreya suddenly appeared before 6000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, gathered to witness healing prayers at 'The Church of Bethlehem' who instantly recognized the tall, white-robed figure as 'Jesus Christ, (Note: The editor of the Swahili edition of the Kenya Times, veteran journalist Job Mutungi, witnessed the event and took pictures.) See: We will also look at the admitted Pentecostal history of Reinhart Bonnke which proves that he is godfather of the 'Unholy Laughter Movement'.




'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist?: PDF

'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist?

'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist?

In this teaching will be will be taking a shocking, in-depth look at 'Lord Maitreya' AKA 'Devil Betraya' to see what part he & his 'Ascended Masters' will most likely play in the endtime deception the Bible so clearly predicts. For a preview to this teaching I have posted the following lies from the UN supported SHARE INTERNATIONAL ( ) WHO IS MAITREYA?: 'He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know Him as the Christ, and expect His imminent return. Jews await Him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect Him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah. In recent years, information about Maitreya's emergence has come primarily from Benjamin Creme, a British artist and author who has been speaking and writing about this event since 1974. Since 1988 Maitreya has appeared miraculously throughout the world, mainly to orthodox religious groups, presenting in the simplest terms the great spiritual laws governing our lives. And, through steadily increasing signs and spiritual manifestations, now widely reported in the media, he is preparing them for His imminent appearance: The Day of Declaration in which Maitreya will demonstrate His true identity, the international television networks will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world. We will see His face on television, but each of us will hear His words telepathically in our own language as Maitreya simultaneously impresses the minds of all humanity. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world.'





'Lord Maitreya' the Antichrist? : PDF

Biblically Exposing & Fighting New Age Witchcraft

Biblically Exposing & Fighting New Age Witchcraft

This teaching is a unique one regarding an email I received recently from a high level new-age witch. The Bible says in II Corinthians 2:11: 'Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.' In this teaching we are going to be looking at some of Satan's devices and why he still is the “most subtle beast of the field” (See Genesis 3:1). New agers are well aware of the coming false-Christ and they are openly using mass witchcraft to usher in his presence. In conjunction with this (in order to deceive their duped followers) they are boasting many miracles, “deep healings” & supernatural manifestations; all these could easily Biblically fall under the ‘lying signs and wonders' category that the Bible says will be an earmark of the ‘End Times'. These New Age witches (previously like Aleister Crowley (The 666 or Great Beast), L. Ron Hubbard (The inventor of Scientology), etc. are trying to open demonic doorways (they call portals/vortexes/stargates) in order defile humanity and this world we live in. This is one of the Spiritual battles that all Christians are called to as Ephesians 6:12 says: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This is a real battle that we as Christians need to take the offensive on and persevere. Part two will cover how this teaching relates to Lord Maitreya.

Rome Pushing “Mother of the World” Status For Mary Goddess & the Darkness of Mother Teresa

Rome Pushing “Mother of the World” Status For Mary Goddess & the Darkness of Mother Teresa

The new pope continues the tradition of pushing the RC Virgin Mary goddess as the unifying force in the world. In September he toured several of the Marian shrines in Europe, speaking of: “the significance of the Mother of God.” “In her maternal love, Mary continues to take under her protection people of all languages and cultures, and to lead them together, within a multiform unity, to Christ. In our problems and needs we can turn to Mary,” he said. In this statement we see how the Mary goddess is positioned between man and Christ. Instead of trusting Christ alone, the people are encouraged to trust Mary instead. We also see how Mary is moving to bring “all languages and cultures” together. How is she doing this? Through special visions called “apparitions,” according to the book Queen of All : “She appears as a living, breathing, three dimensional lady enveloped in exquisite light,” according to the visionaries and seers that see her. Through these, she speaks her messages to the world. Refered to by RC as the “lady in light” this devil invites worship, encourages praying the rosary and other Roman Catholic rituals, and speaks repeatedly of world peace through unity of all religions. Many are unaware that these apparitions of her are occurring in countries dominated by other religions as well, with a similar goddess that is prominent in Islam and the major eastern religions. We will then take a look at the tortured existence of “Mother Teresa” + How U.S. prisons are recruiting Muslim Chaplains+Joseph Smith's (The founder of the Mormon Cult) involvement with the occult + How the pre-flood environment enabled human, plant and animal life to get so big and live so long.

Rome Pushing “Mother of the World” Status For Mary Goddess & the Darkness of Mother Teresa: PDF

Mega-churches & The Greedy Hirelings in Their Pulpits

Mega-churches & The Greedy Hirelings in Their Pulpits

The 'LA Times' reports Creflo A. Dollar, senior pastor of World Changers Church International, preaches that God will reward his faithful with material riches. It is a gospel that has won the flamboyant, demon-possessed preacher a 25,000-strong congregation -- and a Rolls-Royce, a multimillion-dollar mansion and a private Gulfstream III jet. Now a Senate committee is investigating whether Dollar and leaders of several other mega-churches have illegally used donations to fund opulent lifestyles. Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) has sent letters to six high-profile mega-churches, including Dollar's in College Park, Ga., requesting that they hand over records of salaries, expense accounts, credit cards, cars and airplanes.' Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey,' Grassley said in a telephone interview. 'Do these ministers really need Bentleys and Rolls-Royces to spread the Gospel?' Grassley has some other specific concerns. For example, he wants Paula and Randy White, pastors of the Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Fla., to document thier tax-exempt cosmetic surgery. And he wants Joyce Meyer, who runs Joyce Meyer Ministries from Fenton, Mo., to explain the tax-exempt purpose of a $23,000 'commode with marble top.' Next we will look at a report documenting how the megachurches and “pastorpreneurs” like Bill Hybels, Rick Warren and Joel Osteen are ‘fleecing the flock' by offering a luke-warm gospel, giant screen TV's, rock music & plenty of entertainment.

Massacre of Innocence - The Occult Roots of Abortion

Massacre of Innocence - The Occult Roots of Abortion

In this teaching we will be looking at the occult roots of abortion (aborticide) with little known historical facts about abortion and how they relate to witchcraft & modern day feminism. Patricia Baird-Windle, Founder and owner of Aware Woman Center for Choice (AKA: abortion clinics) was quoted saying: 'You practice your religion and let me practice mine.''My religion is a holy ritual child sacrifice' On August 4, 1992, two employees of Aware Woman abortion clinic, Veronica Jordan and Rebecca Morris, registered a non-profit religious corporation known as the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida (WRCF). The stated purpose of the WRCF is to provide an umbrella organization for witch covens throughout the state of Florida. The incorporation papers list the two abortion clinic employees as directors of the Wiccan organization. Shortly after the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida was founded, Carol Ebbing, another Aware Woman abortion clinic employee procured the book entitled: “The Sacrament of Abortion” by a Ginnette Paris, a witch in France, who presents abortion as 'a sacred act' & 'A sacrifice to Artemis”. In this teaching we will also endeavor to show you how the struggle against this horrific act is primarily a spiritual one. Throughout history, certain pagan cultures have sacrificed human infants to satanic deities as a part of a complicated ritual in return for favors asked of them. While few of those involved in abortion today are consciously engaging in child sacrifice, that is precisely what abortion is: The sacrifice of a human life on the alter of convenience & to the god of self.




Massacre of Innocence - The Occult Roots of Abortion: PDF

Biblical Cause of Jewish Affliction, John Hagee, Christian Zionism Warning

Biblical Cause of Jewish Affliction, John Hagee, Christian Zionism Warning

In John Hagee's new book “In Defense of Israel” he boldly denies that Jesus Christ came to earth to be the Messiah. To watch him personally say this (and much more) click the link below or go to:

With all the attacks on the Lord Jesus Christ by so called “Christians” like Hagee, I felt it necessary to do a full teaching on the subject of Israel and the reason for her afflictions from Babylon to the end of the tribulation. The major cause of Israel's perpetual troubles and afflictions is not external but internal – i.e. the nations continued rejection of Jesus Christ the Messiah. During the first century, Jesus Christ offered Himself as Messiah to Israel. Had they accepted Him they would have had peace with God and with man. The direct consequence of rejecting Him was the forfeiting of God's blessings, which included a peaceful existence in their God-given land and in their capital city, Jerusalem. Israel's leaders were (and are) spiritually blinded and brought indescribable hardships upon themselves and their followers by rejecting the Prince of Peace. At the same time we as Christians are not to condemn the whole Jewish race for their indiscretions and blame them for every evil that exists today, like some ministries and people do. With this teaching will attempt to do is present this complex subject from a Biblically balanced perspective.




Biblical Cause of Jewish Affliction, John Hagee, Christian Zionism Warning: PDF

Pastor Hagee Denies Jesus Christ as the Messiah!

Pastor Hagee Denies Jesus Christ as the Messiah!

Pastor John Hagee is now boldly & openly proclaiming that Jesus Christ was not the Messiah (the Christ)! Since Hagee is deeply involved with the current Illuminist leadership of Israel, this is mostly likely one of the final moves to deceive his followers (& whoever else will listen) into supporting the coming false messiah (Antichrist). In order to establish a solid foundation for this teaching the first part will be devoted to proving that modern day Israel is being totally controlled by Cabalistic Illuminists. An accurate description of these devils would be Revelation 3:9: 'I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.' The second part of this teaching will be devoted to refuting Hagee's new book (In Defense of Israel), in which he relentlessly twists Scripture in order to deceive his readers. The net effect is a perversion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some exact quotes from this book read: 'Jesus refused to produce a sign … because it was not the Father's will, nor his, to be Messiah'. (p 138) 'The Jews were not rejecting Jesus as Messiah; it was Jesus who was refusing to be the Messiah to the Jews.' (p. 140) 'They wanted him to be their Messiah, but he flatly refused.' (p. 141) 'Jesus rejected to the last detail the role of Messiah in word or deed.' (p. 145) Hagee's own writings condemn him, especially in light of: 1 John 2:22: Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist...'



Pastor Hagee Denies Jesus Christ as the Messiah!: PDF

Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ

Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ

The first 37 minutes of the Zeitgeist movie is one of the most ludicrous, damnable, unbiblical deceptions that Satan has ever concocted. This movie takes some (mostly inaccurate, easily refutable) pagan history and tries to apply it to Jesus Christ. Satan is the great counterfeiter and now he is attempting to portray Jesus as just one more pagan deity that Catholicism repackaged into pseudo Christianity around 318 AD by the first Pope Constantine. The purpose of this article is to address the first theory (out of four) put forth in the movie – that Jesus is a mythological amalgamation of various pagan gods and deities that were invented by the Egyptians, Catholics and other cultures. The allegations concerning Jesus Christ in the Zeitgeist movie can be summarized as follows: The Jesus proclaimed in the Bible is not a historical person, and in fact He never even existed; unbelievably asserting that the Jesus Christ found in the pages of the New Testament gospels is an invention of the Biblical authors who painstakingly copied attributes of ancient pagan deities and created a new god to be worshipped. Further, the movie asserts that astrology is the foundation behind much of the writing in Scripture. The end conclusion is that Christianity is a myth just as all the pagan religions that came before it and therefore is untrue. All these blasphemous theories are thoroughly refuted in this teaching. Please reference the free PDF on this webpage for the rebuttal documentation.




Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ: PDF

Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man

Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man

In this teaching we will be taking an extensive, shocking look at virtually all the Halloween traditions modern day humanity currently embraces. Halloween is not just innocent entertainment. Its symbols and practices breathe new life into the dark rituals and symbols of past civilizations. Satan's main strategy has always been to tempt people to love what God hates, prompt them to pursue his enticing path, and deceive them into thinking that his 'new' way is as good. Since his strategies don't change, God's warning in Proverbs 14:12 is as relevant now as it was in King Solomon's days: ' Most people follow the masses, and the masses follow the media, especially when it promotes thrills and adventures that feed the lust for forbidden thrills. The occult has always focused on gory images of violence, death and destruction. We see it in today's media, music, and movies. As people become desensitized to occult violence and horror, the images in popular entertainment grow increasingly and indescribably evil. Yet, this is old news. Thousands of years ago, God warned us, 'All those who hate Me love death.' (Proverbs 8:36)



Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man: PDF

Contraception & the Bible

Contraception & the Bible

In this teaching many will be shocked at the way many birth control methods actually work. From "The Pill", to "The Patch" to IUD's all are potentially "Abortifactive" according to the companies that make them. Gen 1:28: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…” Gen. 9:7: And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.” While Catholics reject (or, at least, they are supposed to reject) contraception because their Pope tells them to, Christians are only supposed to listen to the Word of God. From the apostles to 1930, however, no true Christian denomination or group ever permitted the practice, and it was Christian state legislatures across the country that made the trafficking of contraceptives illegal until the Supreme Court intruded in Griswold v. Connecticut, paving the way for Roe v. Wade. So in other words 75 years ago this message would of not been necessary because the topic was not a topic worthy of debate. Contraception was considered by Christians a grievous sin, and that fact was a forgone conclusion that was not debated by Christians. Did you know the word “contraception” is not even listed in the Websters 1828 dictionary. So the next questions to ask yourself would be: Are the Christians of today more right with God than those of the times past. The Bible warns us speaking about the Laodicean church and current church age in Rev. 3:14-19.

Witchcraft Practices Biblically Exposed & Defined

Witchcraft Practices Biblically Exposed & Defined

In this teaching we will be looking at Deut. 18:9-14; Verse 9 reads: “When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.” We will be Biblically defining each term mentioned in this portion of Scripture including: Having your son or daughter pass through the fire, divination, an observer of times, an enchanter, a witch, charmer, a consulter with familiar spirits, a wizard, and a necromancer.Having your son or daughter pass through the fire is another way of saying child sacrifice. Then, it was typically done openly to the false god of Molech or Kronos to secure a financial blessing. Whereas now it is done in secret while the baby is still in the womb, to the equally false God of “Self”. It is now called abortion. Currently this horrific procedure is still preformed to secure a perceived (Proverbs 14:12) financial blessing of not having another mouth to feed or take care of. If you think about it practically every sin that any of us ever commits is rooted in self-centeredness. Now in the Bible it is apparent by examining scriptures, that child sacrifice is one of (if not the most) grievous sin in God's eyes. And that it usually precedes severe judgment from God). This is not my opinion as the Word of God is full of stories relating to God's severe wrath being brought on by this sin. In a world where this sin abounds it is only a matter of time before God's judgment will fall.



Witchcraft Practices Biblically Exposed & Defined: PDF

Identifying False Prophets, Preachers and Teachers

Identifying False Prophets, Preachers and Teachers
10/07/2007 & 10/14/2007

The Bible says that FALSE: christs, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, workers, and brethren will come from the churches and to the churches particularly in the end times. God wants the true believers to be aware of them and to reject them. They will come appearing as true and sincere but they are deceptive workers. For example a false pastor will appear as a true pastor, a false prophet will appear as a true prophet, a false teacher will appear as a true teacher, and so on. In short, a false church will appear as a true church. Even though they appear as true, Jesus Christ says that they are wolves in sheep's clothing & they will deceive many. If possible they will seduce even the very elect with signs and wonders. Etc... So, if you and I do not know the difference between the true and false workers, then we will be deceived. The Word of God teaches how to know a true pastor from false pastors, a true prophet from false prophets, a true teacher from false teachers, a true worker from false workers, a true evangelist from false evangelists, and so on. The word of God cautions us about them, instructs us to identify them and advise us to reject them. With this in mind let us study the word of God.



PART 3 10/14/07

Hate Crimes Update, The 'Gay' Agenda, Hirelings & Judas Goats in the Pulpit

Hate Crimes Update, The 'Gay' Agenda, Hirelings & Judas Goats in the Pulpit

In this teaching we will be looking at several, pertinent, end time, current event topics. First Senators Kennedy and Smith's hate crimes amendment has finally been voted in. Since this bill has come up for another vote there has been an astonishing lack of consistent warning from leaders of the religious right which resulted in virtually no public outcry. Pres. Bush has vowed to veto the bill but even so (at bare minimum) this legislation now has momentum behind it for full approval when the next administration comes into power. Now all Americans are very much closer to having to answer to the federal “thought police” for every idle word that is not "politically correct". The second topic we will be looking at is how the homosexual agenda longs for the full implementation of the hate crimes legislation and what the Bible has to say about “gays”. Next we will look at today's legions of devilish, politically correct, Establishment pastors and leaders who don't care for Bible truth. Many pastors have become entertainers and showmen. If you are a member of one of the thousands of churches that are part of this 'Christian Establishment,' get out now. Lastly we will look at how these same pseudo-pastors are being groomed to become the double agent/“Judas Goats” of their respective flocks. In the slaughterhouse industry it is the “Judas goat” that is trained to associate & befriend the other sheep in order to lead them to slaughter, while its own life is spared.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The HEXagram & the Mark of the Beast

The HEXagram & the Mark of the Beast

Many believe the six-pointed star/HEXagram is a Jewish/Christian symbol but nothing could be further from the truth as it is one of the highest most wicked of all occult symbols. The six-pointed star/HEXagram is a curse mark no matter what name it may have: Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. When an occult practitioner puts a curse on someone, he uses the HEXagram. "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record, that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge." (Rom 10:1-2) It is not my goal to condemn the Jewish people, but to condemn the six-pointed star, a curse symbol. The hexagram star was mentioned and condemned by the God of Israel in Amos 5:26 and it was called by Him, `the star of your god, Moloch' or otherwise called `Chiun'. Reference was also made to the Israelites having it in the wilderness in Acts 7:43 by Stephen. Here it was called the Star of Remphan. All these names refer to the `god' Saturn. Now, the name SATURN in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus - Stur [ed. Star?]. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number.' (Hislop, p. 269) S = 060 T = 400 U = 006 R = 200: = 666 Now Saturn is also the sixth Planet from the Sun, has six letters and Saturn is associated with Satan which has a very similar spelling.



The HEXagram & the Mark of the Beast:PDF

Sabbath vs. Sunday Worship

Sabbath vs. Sunday Worship

There is currently a huge emphasis in the Messianic Jewish, Hebrew Roots Movement, Christian Zionist, 7th Day Adventist and certain sects of the Pentecostal movement to convince their followers that Sabbath keeping is for them and is of the utmost importance; going so far as to say that the judgment that will fall on the US and the world will be primarily because we have forsaken the Sabbath. Exodus 31:16-17a: “Wherefore the CHILDREN of ISRAEL shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the CHILDREN of ISRAEL for ever…” Justin Martyr's 'Apology' was written at Rome about the year 140AD (which is well before the creation of the Roman Catholic Church in AD 318). In chapter 67 of his first Apology, entitled, 'Weekly Worship of the Christians,' writing to the pagan emperor, Justin states: '... we bless the Maker of all through His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost. And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place...But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought the change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead.' This is just one of many quotes (from the early church) and Bible verses we will be looking at to prove that Sunday worship has been ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ.



Sabbath vs. Sunday Worship: PDF

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Blasphemous Talmud and the Hebrew Roots Movement/Messianic Jews/Christian Zionists

The Blasphemous Talmud and the Hebrew Roots Movement/Messianic Jews/Christian Zionists

The blasphemous Talmud is declared by the religious Jews to be from God, totally binding and authoritative. Many supposed Christians who call themselves Messianic Jews, Hebrew Roots, Christian Zionists incorporate the Talmud into their religious practices. In fact I recently received an email from a Messianic Jew inviting me to a “Mikvah” for High Holidays which is described as a ritual cleansing/immersion in preparation for the Jewish High Holidays. She went onto to say: “The Talmud has a number of required criteria that a mikvah must adhere to in order to be kosher.” Most Jewish & Messianic Rabbi's consider the Talmud higher in authority than the Old Testament! There are two main Talmud's, the Palestine Talmud and the second, the Babylonian Talmud. We will be looking at many direct quotes from the Talmud including: 'Christians are allied with Hell, and Christianity is worse than incest'. (Abodah Zarah 17a, p.85). 'WHEN MESSIAH COMES HE WILL DESTROY THE CHRISTIANS'. (Sanhedrin 99a,p.668). 'Those who read the Gospels are doomed to Hell'. (Sanhedrin 90a, 100b, pp.601-602, 680). 'It is permitted to have sexual intercourse with a girl three years old and one day' (Sanhedrin 55b,p.376). We will also be doing a Bible study to totally debunk the notion that a Christian has to adhere to Jewish traditions to be saved and/or to be right with the Lord Jesus Christ. Titus 1:14: 'Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.'

Imminent North American Super-State

Imminent North American Super-State

The North American Union had its original roots in NAFTA which is part of a global plan to reorganize the world into 10 Super Nation states, of which NAFTA is one. This plan fulfills Daniel 7:7-8, 23-25 and sets the stage for fulfillment of Rev 17:12-17! Remember that NAFTA was officially formed in 1993 as an economic union. The steps we are seeing here now are the steps to move an already-existent NAFTA into a political nation. Even though the Presidents of the United States and Mexico, and the Prime Minister of Canada denied several weeks ago that the purpose of their annual meeting is to create a North American Union/NAFTA SuperState, evidence continues to pile up that NAFTA is, indeed, coming together rapidly.In this teaching we shall focus on three factors which demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this SuperState is coming together:
1) New North Carolina Driver's Licenses featuring a NAFTA logo.
2) New Amero Coins bearing the NAFTA image
3) Mexican truckers are now coming across the American border: Effective Sept. 7th 2007

Imminent North American Super-State:PDF

The Deceptive Allure of Witchcraft , New Age and Near Death Experiences

The Deceptive Allure of Witchcraft , New Age and Near Death Experiences

In this teaching we will be discussing the allure of many New Age practices. We will start by looking at a witchcraft/spiritualist camp in Wisconsin that boasts a bevy of witches and mediums that one can pay to communicate with dead loved ones, look into your future, explore supposed past lives, see visions, receive prophecies, heal the sick, levitate etc. In the Old Testament witchcraft was punishable by death but in modern day America it is increasingly embraced. But the Bible says “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.” According to the book of Daniel witchcraft will be the essence of the one world religion and as a result it is very important that we as Christians understand the deception that is coming. In the second part we will be focusing on a famous medical doctor that has supposedly proven (from his research into near death experiences) that there is NO judgment after death (regardless of your beliefs) only acceptance and love. This is the kind of damnable heresy that Satan so loves to propagate and undoubtedly will take millions to hell. Arm your self with knowledge Christian. Click the link below to see a whole eVideo on near death experiences and hell from a Biblical perspective.



The Deceptive Allure of Witchcraft , New Age and Near Death Experiences: PDF

The National ID & The Mark of the Beast

The National ID & The Mark of the Beast

Regarding the question of whether the National ID card is the ‘Mark of the Beast'; by analyzing the verses in Revelation that pertain to the ‘Mark of the Beast' (which we will do in this audio study) it seems apparent that the ‘mark' will have to be received in ones forehead or hand but nevertheless I do not recommend getting the National ID card. It seems that the 'mark' will be connected to the name of the beast, or the number of his name but the actual ‘mark' is the thing that is consistently emphasized if we examine the verses in Revelation. Now another condition of the mark would be that you will not be able to buy or sell without it and in the US (at least initially)this condition would not apply to the National ID card. Also looking at these verses in Revelation the taking of the 'mark' occurs during the 7 year tribulation and not before it. In light of this the anti-Christ will have to be the world ruler before the ‘mark' can be implemented and we know from Revelation and Daniel that this takes place during the 7 year tribulation. We will also be looking at the US National ID card in depth and how Homeland Security via Michael Chertoff is aggressively pursuing its implementation. Real ID Act/National ID Will Enslave America--Take Proactive Measures

Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line?

Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line?

Do Christians who use Romans 13 to teach that we should not oppose President Bush or any other political leader, really believe that civil magistrates have unlimited authority to do anything they want without opposition? For example, what if our President decided to resurrect the old monarchal custom of Jus Primae Noctis (Law of First Night)? That was the old medieval custom when the king claimed the right to sleep with a subject's bride on the first night of their marriage. Would our sincere Christian brethren sheepishly say, 'Romans Chapter 13 says we must submit to the government'? I think not. And would any of us respect any man who would submit to such a law? So, there are limits to authority. All human authority is limited in nature. No man has unlimited authority over the lives of other men. (Lordship and Sovereignty is the exclusive domain of Jesus Christ.) Did John the Baptist violate God's principle of submission to authority when he publicly scolded King Herod for his infidelity? Did Simon Peter and the other Apostles violate God's principle of submission to authority when they refused to stop preaching on the streets of Jerusalem? Act 5:29: “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” So, even the great prophets, apostles, and writers of the Bible (including the writer of Romans Chapter 13) understood that human authority--even civil authority--is limited.

Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government:PDF

Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To 'Quell Dissent' During Martial Law

Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To 'Quell Dissent' During Martial Law

During the reign of Adolf Hitler, three prominent Protestant theologians were dramatically successful in convincing German Protestants to cooperate with Hitler and his genocide of 18 million 'Devalued People'. The Illuminati here in America is using this same tactic, and will most assuredly get the same cooperative response, from the 501c3 corporate churches (who were given their very right to exist via the government/IRS)who are not versed properly in the true meaning of Romans 13 to know when they are being deceived. Most likely much of the reason genuine Christians will be turned in to authorities is because church leaders (unquestionably submissive to the government) will turn them in. If you are a genuine Christian pastor, are you prepared for officers of Homeland Security to enter your sanctuary, to sit down on your front row -- dressed in intimidating official clothing -- and to listen to your sermon and your announcements? Are you prepared to have them arrest you after the service for not adhering to official government guidelines as to what you can and cannot say? Pastors need to remember the era in which they are living, and not succumb to the temporary political and religious pressure from your Illuminist government, but keep their minds focused on the eternal. Proverbs 25:26: 'A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring.'



Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To 'Quell Dissent' During Martial Law: PDF

UFO's, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilum & The Days of Noah

UFO's, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilum & The Days of Noah

Ephesians 6:12 says: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. The phrase “in high places”, literally means: 'in the heavens'. Hence Satan is called 'the prince of the Power of the Air' in Eph.2:2. Imagine a confederation of rebellious angels occupying the atmospheric heavens. Jesus Christ explained to His apostles what events would immediately precede his second coming, Matt 24: 38 & Luke 17:26 say: “And as it was in the days of Noe (or Noah), so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.'. What is the significance of this statement and how does it relate to Ufos and the Alien Agenda? The Flood epic of Gen. 6 begins with a strange account of the 'sons of God' (or angels in the Old Testament contest), taking human wives. Gen 6:4: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” The Hebrew word which is translated, 'giants' is 'Nephilim', which means, 'The fallen ones'. Jude describes them as 'angels, having left their first estate'. These fallen angels came to earth for their own purposes, to interfere in the development of human civilization. In this lesson we will be looking at how all these Biblical facts relate to the day and age we live in.

UFO's, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilum & The Days of Noah: PDF

Imprecatory Prayers & Gods Judgment on Wickedness-A Christians ‘Door of Hope'

Imprecatory Prayers & Gods Judgment on Wickedness-A Christians ‘Door of Hope'

This is a very important teaching regarding imprecatory prayers and why the judgment of God on wickedness, has always been a Bible believers “Door of Hope”. We will explore many scriptures to validate this but this is not a teaching that is usually ever heard or preached on in the modern day churches of America. If we as Bible believing Christians can get a hold of this Biblical concept, the Lord will be able to work through us (individually and collectively) in a mighty way. Beyond salvation this is one of the most important issues that the modern day Bible believer needs to understand, and hopefully this will be a big encouragement to you as well. We will also be exploring the various things that can hinder our prayers and what the prerequisites are for the Lord to hear our prayers. I will be giving my personal testimony regarding these issues as well, as the tenants of this teaching have totally changed my life for the better. This teaching was orginally inspired by Pastor John Weaver's sermon: 'A Door of Hope' See link below.